Paleo Autoimmune Protocol Cooking Fats

Paleo and other whole-foods diets embrace nutrient-density and sustainability, which means using high-quality fats that retain some nutritional value after processing. Usually, this means oils that are minimally processed and made from the most nutrient-dense plants or animals. Animal fats get extra points for sustainability because you can make them yourself using the fat trimmed from the meat you buy or by saving a skillet of bacon grease for later use!


As a general rule, heat cooking fats to no more than 5-10 degrees below their smoke points.


Cold-use fats are great for adding to smoothies, salad dressings, and other condiments, or for any other use that does not involve heat.

Looking for Some Simple AIP Recipes?

When you’re dealing with fatigue, pain, or illness, eating healthy is hard enough without having to multitask while cooking or clean up a huge mess afterwards. That’s why one-pot meals are my favorite. 28 Days of One-Pot AIP is exactly what it sounds like: A 28-day meal plan featuring only 100% autoimmune protocol, one-pot recipes. There’s an intro to explain the AIP and one-pot cooking and the preparation is so much simpler when you’ve only got one thing to keep track of. Plus, you’ll be amazed at the variety of flavors still available to you, like my Chicken Pot Pie Soup, satisfying green smoothies, and colorful salads! The e-book is now available for $9.99.